We have designated a day and time for students to take the survey earlier in the week and encourage them to complete the survey at that time. Students can always take the survey on their own, but we want to remind them to complete the survey.
During all student business meeting to start the week we played 2 of the SEA videos from the website and center director and president of student government encouraged participation from all students. CD explained how some of the feedback from the sept survey helped us to make some specific improvements. Posters from the website were Hung around campus. Center director sent a thank you email to the student body after the first 48 hours of the survey window appreciating all those who took the time to complete the survey and share feedback, encouraging others to do so. 6 days into the window all students who had taken the survey were thanked with a special make your own ice-cream sundae event in the cafeteria after lunch. They showed the “thank you for taking the survey email’ as a ticket to enjoy this special dessert.
Promotional fliers posted in all departments, seasalt chocolate bars on students’ beds for reminders, pizza incentive for center for 80% participation.
Swim trips to the hot springs, basketball games on center. No incentives have been used but we have taken more student input and focused on their interests.