Activities Reported to Boost Participation
This is a database of activities that center points of contact shared about what they did to boost student participation. Use the filters below to review activities by size of the center, response rate of last administration, and tags describing the type of activity. Please note, the activities listed in the database have not been linked to increases in response rates.
Activity Results
Number of students: Small 1-100, Medium 101-250, Large 251 and up
The dorm with the highest completion rate wins an off-center trip of their choosing within reason. Students are also asked to forward their “thank you” email to the residential manager and academic manager so that it can go towards their EWS credit.
Incentives, promotional activities.
Personally contacted each and every student and advised them on the importance of the survey.
Benchmark raffles for each 20% level of participation; Pie in the face challenge for reaching 80% participation. Our center’s sga coordinator position was vacant for a period prior to the survey: The position is now filled and that person Will be orchestrating a student driven approach going forward.
SEA flyers posted center-wide and also announced the survey time frame during the weekly student assembly.
Pizza party to the dormitory unit with the most completions.
Students were offered a center wide pizza party if the SEA goal was made.
We provided an incentive for proving that their email worked which was sending an email to our poc and then proving they completed the survey. We also ask for suggested fun activities we can do to celebrate reaching our participation goal.
We offer the SEA during the training day while we have the student’s undivided attention. We have student proctors. We are offering pizza party for the proctors. Students are given small bags of candy after they complete the survey.
Donut day kick-off reminder. Daily email blasts. Percentage goals for prizes.
No incentives; However, we discuss the importance of the survey and why giving feedback helps centers to make necessary improvements. What has helped our numbers is to set a time that all students can do the survey during class hours.
Center wide incentives, announcements through intercom and email and in person.
We started to promote the SEA at mass meetings and all staff supported this promotional efforts. Pizza party for meeting 80% , posting dept. Of labor posters in all areas on center, counselor and SGA assisted with checking on student access while on chrome books, counselor worked in all areas on center to include dorm to check that a confirmations SEA survey email to show that it was submitted and received. Counselor led cheers and “pumping” up the SEA survey with the SGA members and students to get excited they can evaluate us as staff and the center.
The center promoted the SEA activities during the weeks preceding the survey start date. Students were encouraged to participate as it provided them with an opportunity to provide critical feedback on their living and learning experiences. Center utilized data from past survey to improve on student services and shared progress made on those specific items identified on the surveys to show students that their opinions matter.
Off Center Trips
About two weeks prior to the survey, our dorm staff will start reminding students that the survey will be arriving in their email. Once the survey actually begins, dorm staff remind the students every day during dorm accountability meetings. Posters are put up around our center about a week before the survey starts. Our most successful activity has been to bring pizza/Soda to one of the dorm meetings during the survey period. The students are then told that they can have a couple slices of pizza and a soda if they complete the survey. We take the students at their word that they completed the survey when they come over for the snack. And, of course, new students who did not receive the survey also get the snack.